Ghulam Haydar
Senior Policy Lead,
NHS England
Ghulam Haydar is a Senior Policy Lead within the Pharmacy team at NHS England. He is an experienced Pharmacist Independent Prescriber in Primary Care. Ghulam is currently a national lead on the Community Pharmacy Independent Prescribing Pathfinder Programme and is also involved in Pharmacy First. He undertakes this role alongside another as a Clinical Advisor at the General Pharmaceutical Council on Pharmacist Independent Prescribing. He has previously undertaken roles as a training lead for foundation year pharmacists in General Practice and a clinical skills training practitioner for foundation year pharmacists in secondary care. Ghulam is currently a PhD candidate at the University of the West of England, undertaking research into Community Pharmacy Independent Prescribing.
10-Oct-2024Best Practice Keynote TheatrePrescribing as part of community pharmacy clinical services